Article Cubes

Why Article Length Matters

The ideal article length varies depending on the topic and type of content. For example, a how-to guide may need to be longer than a news update post.

Having said that, it is important to consider search intent when creating a piece of content. Ideally, your content should fully satisfy the query intention of the user.

1. Readers are more likely to read longer articles.

Long-form articles offer more value to readers, and they are more likely to be shared. They also help to establish your authority in the industry or niche. As a result, people are more likely to visit your website again and share your content with their friends.

However, it is important to remember that not all readers will want to read long articles. Some may only want a quick summary of the topic or a few key points. In this case, shorter articles may be a better option.

It is also important to consider the type of article you are writing when determining the ideal length. For example, if you are writing an article about the retail industry, it is probably not necessary to write a 10,000-word article about how retailers drive the economy. A more appropriate length would be around 2,000-2,100 words. This is a good range for most types of articles, and it will allow you to adequately cover the topic without going overboard.

2. Longer articles are easier to read.

Article length can be an important factor when creating content, but it isn’t the only factor. It is also important to consider what your audience wants and needs from your content. For example, long articles can be helpful for providing in-depth information on a specific topic. However, short articles can be useful for addressing common questions or concerns.

Ultimately, it is up to the writer to decide what the best length of an article is for their target audience and purpose. Using tools such as keyword research and SEO analysis can help determine what the ideal article length should be.

A good rule of thumb is to write shorter articles for introductory topics and longer articles for in-depth pieces. This will help ensure that your readers are getting the information they need and that your article is performing well in search results.

3. Longer articles are more likely to be shared.

If your goal is to drive social shares and backlinks, long-form articles are a good place to start. According to several studies, they outperform shorter articles in terms of unique page views, links, and shares.

However, it’s important to note that the length of an article can vary based on its subject matter and purpose. For example, articles about art history tend to be longer than those about financial news or celebrity gossip. The key is to create content that is informative, useful, and compelling to your readers.

In fact, research from BuzzSumo shows that posts between 3,000 and 10,000 words tend to get the most social media shares. This is likely because people are more likely to take the time to read in-depth pieces on a topic they are interested in. In addition, an analysis from Quick Sprout found that posts over 1,500 words have 68% more tweets and 22% more likes than shorter posts.

4. Longer articles are more likely to be linked to.

A long article can provide a wealth of information that is useful to readers and may answer many of their questions. This can help establish the author as an authority in a topic and lead to more social shares and backlinks. However, it is important to remember that long articles are not automatically more valuable than shorter posts.

Link creators want to share content that provides value to their audience. This often means that the post must be comprehensive or offer supplemental information to existing content on a topic. In addition, the article should be well-written and have an interesting point of view.

While determining the ideal length of an article depends on many factors, one thing that remains true is that longer articles tend to perform better in search engines than shorter articles. This is due in part to the fact that search engines value comprehensiveness, and long articles can be more comprehensive than short ones. In addition, long articles can also help rank for a variety of different keyword phrases, including the primary keyword and LSI keywords.

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