Article Cubes

How to Structure Your Article for Maximum Impact

The first and most important factor that determines the success of an article is its introduction. It should be interesting and eye-catching.

A good introduction should also make the reader ponder on the problem and keep them motivated to continue reading.


If you want your article to be noticed, you need to structure it for maximum impact. You can do this by using the right structure, focus, unit and flow.

First, you need to decide on the purpose of your article. Is it a research-based piece that provides practical information? Or is it an academic article that aims to advance the field of your topic?

Next, you need to identify your target audience. Do you want to reach a wide audience or a niche audience?

You should also consider the style of your article. Will it be highly technical and jargon-heavy or more casual?

A strong introduction should pique the reader’s curiosity and make him want to read on. You need to establish a bond with your reader, one that is based on trust.


The body of your article should be organized in a manner that is both understandable for the readers and easy to read for search engines. This will help readers find the information they are looking for and improve your search engine rankings.

First, you need to decide on a topic or keyword. Then you need to structure your article around that keyword, using it as often as possible throughout the article.

This will ensure that your content is easily found by the search engines and that your article is indexed in their database. This means that Google will be able to return your article in the search results when people are searching for the keywords you have used.

Make sure that the content in each of your article’s body paragraphs contributes to a single point or argument. Do not go off on tangents or introduce interesting but unrelated facts, as this will jar your readers and break the flow of your piece.


The conclusion of your article is a crucial part of the writing process. It can make or break your paper, and it’s worth spending a little time to craft it correctly.

Conclusions should provide closure and a strong impression of your central points within a broader context. They should also offer a solution to the reader’s problems or encourage them to see things differently.

There are many strategies for concluding an essay, report or article effectively. Some of them include the “Sherlock Holmes” conclusion, which states the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion.

Others are more subtle, highlighting key elements of the essay or report. For example, you may use a short bullet list of the most important sections of your article or create a call-to-action to motivate your audience to read more.

Conclusions are the last words that your readers will read, so they need to be finalizing and memorable. Conclusions are also the last chance you have to reinforce your main points.

Call to Action

A call to action is a prompt commonly used in business to direct a reader or potential customer to do something specific. This may be purchasing a product, subscribing to an email list, or even just leaving a comment on a blog post.

The call to action is a crucial part of any marketing campaign and should be well-constructed for maximum impact. A good call to action can push a potential customer down the sales funnel and convert them into a customer or sale.

Power Words

A good call to action uses language that builds curiosity in readers and encourages them to act. For example, using words like discover, see, and get can help to increase buyer FOMO (fear of missing out) and motivate readers to take action immediately.

A strong call to action can also encourage readers to share the article with their friends and follow your social media account. This can help your article to rank higher on search engines, and also attract more visitors to your website.

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